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Centralize your contracts using AI

Work smarter and faster with Contractbook’s built-in AI. Centralize agreements, extract data, automate tasks, and offer secure access for your entire team.

One home to store and manage
all your contracts — powered by AI

AI Import

Import contracts
at AI speed

Imagine you have a stack of contracts piled high on your local drive and inbox, waiting to be processed (or not). Instead of spending countless hours sifting through them and updating a spreadsheet, AI does the heavy lifting for you in a few clicks.

Simply drag and drop. Our built-in AI will scan and extract the important data in your contracts. No human handling, no human error.

Just the speed of AI.

Extract data

Extract contract data automatically

Searching through PDF contracts to find one clause or detail is not the best use of your time. With Contractbook, AI puts an end to wasted hours of hunting for more information.

Filter using names, dates, or specific data fields, and save the filters you’ll use again for future use, allowing you to analyze, decide, and act quicker.

Verify & enrich

Unlock the full value
of your contract data

Continue working with your contracts by adding more metadata and verifying AI-generated insights. That turns previously static contracts into a dynamic database, unlocking the full potential of what’s inside.

With all your contracts in one place, you’ll regain control, stay informed, and act quickly on valuable insights. Goodbye contract surprises; hello centralized overview.


Be proactive and start renegotiations faster

Staying on top of crucial dates is hard. No wonder they slip through the cracks and leave you scrambling at every renewal or important deadline.

By extracting renewal and expiry dates, AI enables you to be proactive without the headache of maintaining an overview yourself.

Want a better deal and money saved? Use that information to start renegotiations faster with automatic reminders. Plus, de-risk agreements and empower your business to make more strategic decisions.

Demo walkthrough

See how just one click turns
static agreements into powerful insights

See how just one click turnsstatic agreements into powerful insights

Bessere Entscheidungen
beginnen Sie mit einer vollständigen Übersicht

Von 95% Verträgen ohne Benutzereingriff bis hin zu über 250 eingesparten Stunden — mit einem zentralen Überblick fängt alles an.

„Bessere, konsistentere Verkaufsverträge schneller.“

„Contractbook ermöglicht es unserem Vertriebsteam, schneller bessere und konsistentere Verkaufsvereinbarungen zu treffen. Wir haben mehr Kontrolle über unseren Funnel und aktivieren gleichzeitig die Autonomie in jedem Team. Dadurch ist unser Setup einfach zu skalieren und wir können erkennen, wo wir uns verbessern können. Seit wir diesen Arbeitsablauf für Verkaufsverträge eingeführt haben, haben wir unseren Output verdreifacht.“

Ulrich Svarrer
Geschäftsführer @ Bonzer

Future-proof your business

Half the work in fixing a problem, is admitting you have one! We're ready to show you why Contractbook could be the perfect way to solve your contract-headaches. No pressure—just solutions that make sense.

Your goals, your demo: Tell us what you need, and we’ll tailor a 1:1 walkthrough just for you.
No fluff, just answers: See exactly how Contractbook simplifies your contracts, saves time, and eliminates costly mistakes.

Fill the form and then choose a time that works for you - Speak to you soon!

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