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Marketing proposal

Knowing how to write a marketing proposal, or creating a marketing proposal template, can be a fantastic way to help grow a business. For, should your proposal be successful, a marketing campaign could begin that supports a business’s ability to achieve its overall goals. Here, we look at what one is as well as its other advantages so that creating that template (with our software) is a breeze.

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What is a marketing proposal?

First and foremost, what exactly is a marketing proposal? In short, a marketing proposal is a document that outlines to key decision makers in a business, as well as outside investment, what a potential marketing project seeks to achieve and the budget it needs to do so. A marketing proposal is a document that is created with the intention of securing either investment or a budget size that can ensure the targets within that marketing proposal are hit. The wider goal of a marketing proposal is therefore to help a business become more commercially successful with an enhanced marketing initiative. 

How does a marketing proposal work?

A marketing proposal works by including relevant and vital information for a business’s key decision makers. That information and data will allow them to conclude whether the request within a marketing proposal is really a viable one or whether a smaller amount of cash is what is required or possible. 

For that reason, it is essential to identify the problems that the marketing campaign or proposal will resolve. In doing so, it can be beneficial to focus on the client or customer that the marketing campaign will be aimed at. Then, be sure to give a thorough solution and why that solution is the best one to resolve the problem above all others. 

By including all this data in a concise and informative manner, a good marketing proposal will leave no chance of being declined. A good marketing proposal will make it obvious that what is being put forward is the only way to help achieve a business’s success. 

Advantages of a marketing proposal 

When a marketing proposal is written well, the advantages are securing a win but also that that win will help a company in the future too. Marketing is conducted with the final goal of making a company more profitable and productive. While marketing may be an outlay economically speaking, the intention is that it will bring in exponentially more money or custom than was invested originally. A good marketing proposal can therefore help a company secure business and grow. 

Contractbook and marketing proposals

Given that writing a marketing proposal can have such positive effects on your business if created well, at Contractbook, we believe that making the process as simple as possible will materially improve your chances of a proposal being accepted and successful. 

Our software is an all-in-one solution that can make creating proposals and turning them into subsequent contracts a streamlined process. Plus, with automation, little input is needed to execute on a contract when so much of the hard work has been put into the initial proposal. Our data rich and dynamic format enables users to harness the data within contracts to aid automated workflows and unlock business intelligence - in a way that a pdf’d marketing proposal never could. 

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