AI-powered contract management software

Unlock all of your contracts' data using AI

Convert contracts into data you can use to get a central overview of all your obligations, deadlines, and tasks.

Join top brands and regain control over your contracts

Free yourself from hours of admin

Instead of wasting time looking for contracts data scattered across different departments, clouds or local storages, you can get a quick overview of all of them. In a single place.

Simply drag and drop your PDF contracts, or use one of your dynamic company's templates next time you're signing a deal.

Stay on top of deadlines, obligations and renewals

It can be impossible to find the contract to begin with, let alone keep track of what’s inside. No wonder they keep slipping through the cracks. And your money + wits with them.

Solution? Use Ai instead and get a full overview of your business data.

See it in action

Keep your data transparent and consistent

From Slack to HubSpot, connect your contracts with 3000+ of your favorite tools

Find exactly what you need, when you need it

Do you need to find a certain clause in your vendor's contract? Good luck in a PDF contract with 30 static pages and stored who knows where.

With Contractbook, you can filter using any criteria, such as names, dates, or specific data fields, and even save the filters you’ll use time and time again for future you.

"If it was a manual process, we'd need another person. But now, when we've automated, it doesn't matter whether it's 1,000 or 10,000 contracts. All in all, it’s been a huge success."

Jonathan Hjelholt Jensen
Legal Counsel @ Lenus

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All your contract work. From all departments. In one place

Create contracts in seconds

Automatically pre-fill drafts with data from a CRM, form or other tools

Use pre-approved templates to ensure legal compliance

Collaborate with all stakeholders in one place

Automatically trigger approvals based on contract data

Negotiate smoothly with suggestions and comments

Maintain transparency with version history

Sign securely from anywhere

Choose the method that fits your needs

Legally binding for all types of contracts

Identity verification and two-factor signature keeps your sensitive information protected

One home to store and manage all your contracts

Organize all contracts in a secure and structured repository

Easily maintain permission settings across your organization

Quickly access the contracts you need, when you need them

Stay on top of deadlines with reminders and tasks

Auto-generate reminders based on contract data

Create customizable tasks for team members post-signature

Connect all data in one seamless flow

Sync onboarding, invoicing, renewal, and other data to your teams' tools

Put standardized contracts like NDAs on auto-pilot

Andre virksomheder ser værdien.
Se, hvad de har at sige.

Udforsk, hvordan Contractbook kan give dig klarhed og ro i sindet.

„Jeg har sparet 15-20 timers manuelt arbejde.“

BIZZKIT logo - kundeanmeldelse

„Dette sparede mig 15-20 timers manuelt arbejde med at udtrække kontraktdata fra ca. 50 af vores ældre DPA'er. En skræmmende opgave, som jeg havde udskudt i lang tid.“

Dennis Benneballe Arnold Grade
Compliance Officer @ Bizzkit

„Vi savner 0% af vores

GANNI logo - kundeanmeldelse

„Med påmindelser går vi ikke længere glip af nogen deadlines, der kan have en rigtig stor indflydelse på virksomheden.“

Louise Koustrup
Juridisk leder @ GANNI

„70-80% dataekstraktion er ret godt for mig.“

PAVE-logo - kundeanmeldelse

„70-80% indsigt i en leverandøraftale er ret godt for mig, fordi jeg normalt har 0%.“

Saroi Tharisayi
Juridisk leder @ Pave

„En one-stop-shop for vores kontrakter.“

ZAPP logo - kundeanmeldelse

“ Jeg havde brug for en one-stop-shop til vores kontrakter. Jeg ved nu, hvor alt er, og det er meget lettere at finde dem, når jeg har brug for det.

Jonathan Ufland
Senior juridisk rådgiver @ Zapp

„Det vil spare en enorm mængde tid.“

PAVE-logo - kundeanmeldelse

„Det vil spare en enorm mængde tid fra at kopiere og indsætte og skrive disse detaljer. Og jeg synes, det er vidunderligt.“

Kate Galea
Driftschef @ Datapraxis

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After filling the form, you'll be able to schedule a time that's most convenient for you

We’ll provide you with the ROI estimation, so you can see if our tool makes sense for your company

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G2 rating: 4.7
Capterra rating for Contractbook

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