Each referred to as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.
This Loan Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”, is entered into and made effective
upon signature by both Parties.
WHEREAS, the Lender agrees to lend to the Borrower [Insert Loan amount] and the Borrower owes the Lender [Insert Loan amount] (the "Loan") with interest on the unpaid Loan at the rate of [Insert rate of interest denoting a percentage] per annum, on [Insert date of which loan is being signed]; and
WHEREAS, the Borrower and the Lender desire to enter into an agreement whereby the Borrower shall pay the Lender the sum of the Loan and interest on a payment plan according to the terms and conditions herein:
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made by the parties hereto, the Borrower and the Lender covenant and agree as follows:
The Parties agree the Lender will loan the Borrower [Insert Loan amount].
The Borrower agrees and acknowledges that the Borrower owes the Lender an amount of money equal to the Loan as defined above.
The Borrower hereby represents and warrants that this Agreement and the payment plan herein have been developed in a manner that the Borrower reasonably believes he can pay the Lender without further interruption notwithstanding an additional change in circumstances.
The Parties hereby agree to the payment plan (the "Plan") described as follows:
4.1 Installments: By this Agreement, it is agreed that a payment in the amount of [Insert amount] will be surrendered to the Lender annually/monthly/weekly/other on [Insert date/day] of each year/month/week/other.
4.1.1 The Borrower will continue to make payments according to this schedule until the total Loan and accrued interest is repaid on [Insert date] (“the Due Date”).
4.1.2 Unpaid principal after the Due Date listed above shall accrue interest at a rate of [Insert rate the Borrower will be paying on principal that has not been repaid by the due date denoting a percentage] annually until paid. Or;
4.2 Lump Sum: By this Agreement, it is agreed that the Loan and accrued interest shall be payable in full on [Insert date].
4.2.1 Unpaid principal after the Due Date listed above shall accrue interest at a rate of [Insert rate the Borrower will be paying on principal that has not been repaid by the due date denoting a percentage] annually until paid. Or;
4.3 Due on Demand: By this Agreement, it is agreed that the unpaid Loan and accrued interest shall be payable in full on any future date on which the Lender demands repayment.
4.3.1 Unpaid principal after the Due Date listed above shall accrue interest at a rate of [Insert rate the Borrower will be paying on principal that has not been repaid by the due date denoting a percentage] annually until paid.
Payment shall be made to the Lender in accordance with the Plan via [Cash/Check/Money Order/Automatic Bank Withdrawal/Other]
5.1 The Borrower will make payment using this method unless prior written approval from the Lender allows otherwise.
The Borrower reserves the right to pay off any remaining amount due, in full, before the Due Date, with no prepayment penalty. If the entire amount is paid off by [Insert date by which the amount needs to be paid off to get a discount for early payment], the Borrower will receive a discount as follows:
[Insert description of the discount the Borrower will receive for repaying the loan before the due date].
This Agreement is secured by the following collateral ("Collateral"):
[Insert description of the collateral that is being used to secure the loan]
7.1 Until this Loan is paid in full, the Borrower grants the Lender a security interest in the Collateral. The Borrower hereby agrees to list the Lender as a lender on the title of the Security, regardless of the Lender's choice to perfect the security interest.
7.2 If the Borrower defaults on this Agreement and does not make payment for [Insert number of days] after it is demanded by the Lender, the Collateral will revert to the Lender and all rights in the ownership of such Collateral will belong to the Lender.
The following events constitute default of this Agreement and upon their occurrence, the entirety of any remaining amount due shall become immediately payable:
8.1 Borrower's failure to pay the Principal Sum or any accrued interest when such payments are due;
8.2 Borrower's insolvency;
8.3 Borrower's death, incompetency; liquidation, or dissolution;
8.4 Borrower's making of a general assignment for the benefit of Borrower's creditors;
8.5 Borrower's filing of any bankruptcy proceedings;
8.6 Any application for the appointment of a receiver for the Borrower; or
8.7 Borrower's misrepresentation to the Lender for the purposes of obtaining this Agreement
In the event of a dispute resulting in legal action, the successful Party will be entitled to its legal fees, including, but not limited to its attorneys’ fees, collection fees and the like.
In the event any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, that part shall be severed from the remainder of the Agreement and all other provisions should continue in full force and effect as valid and enforceable.
The failure by either Party to exercise any right, power or privilege under the terms of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent or further exercise of that right, power or privilege or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
The Lender may assign this Agreement with written notice to the Borrower. In the event of such assignment, the assignee may designate a new method of payment if desired.
The Parties agree that this Agreement shall be governed by the State and/or Country in which both Parties reside/do business. In the event that the Parties reside/do business in different States and/or Countries, this Agreement shall be governed by [Insert State and/or Country] law.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Parties. In the event that the Parties desire to change, add, or otherwise modify any terms, they shall do so in writing to be signed by both parties.
Domina tu caos con un lugar central para almacenar y gestionar contratos, para que puedas analizar, decidir y actuar más rápidamente.
Un contrato de préstamo simple es un acuerdo entre dos partes: el prestatario y el prestamista, que detalla y formaliza los términos de un préstamo. Si bien un contrato de préstamo suele caracterizarse como un acuerdo unidireccional que establece los términos de pago, tales contratos son en realidad bidireccionales, detallando las obligaciones tanto del prestamista como del prestatario.
Las instituciones financieras que ofrecen préstamos personales simples incluyen:
Incluso si está prestando dinero a familiares o a un amigo cercano, puede ser una buena idea redactar un contrato de préstamo simple.
Ya sea que esté tomando prestado dinero de un banco o institución financiera o redactando un contrato de préstamo personal para prestar de manera segura a amigos o familiares, un contrato de préstamo simple es el contrato que necesita.
Lo primero y más importante es incluir todos los detalles necesarios y relevantes para que tanto usted como el prestatario estén protegidos.
Asegúrese de que su contrato de préstamo contenga los siguientes detalles:
Incluso si su negocio no ofrece productos como préstamos personales e hipotecas en la industria de servicios financieros, es posible que aún se encuentre prestando dinero a individuos u otras empresas en ciertas ocasiones.
Un contrato de préstamo es más sólido y ofrece a ambas partes más protección que otros documentos, como un pagaré o una letra de cambio. Si está prestando una suma importante de dinero a una persona o a otra empresa, tiene sentido tener la mayor protección legal posible. Hacerlo genera confianza y tranquilidad y garantiza que tenga un mecanismo para recuperar el préstamo si la otra parte no le paga según lo acordado.
La responsabilidad de gestionar los acuerdos de préstamo suele recaer en el prestamista. Pero en algunas situaciones, el prestatario iniciará el contrato.
Tiene sentido que el prestamista tenga la responsabilidad, ya que es probable que tenga más poder y recursos y, por lo tanto, puede hacer cumplir sus términos sobre la otra parte.
Independientemente de quién cree el contrato, la plantilla de contrato de préstamo de Contractbook le ayuda a redactar un contrato que se adapte al 100% a sus necesidades. Nuestra plantilla asegurará que cubra todos los detalles y cláusulas relevantes y garantizará que usted y el prestatario disfruten de una protección rigurosa de su contrato de préstamo, aumentando las posibilidades de una transacción positiva donde su empresa reciba los pagos esperados.
Contractbook agiliza todo el flujo de trabajo del ciclo de vida del contrato, permitiendo a las empresas automatizar más tareas administrativas y no perder el 0% de renovaciones. ¿No nos crees? Solo pregúntale a GANNI.
Si está buscando una forma más rápida y eficiente de gestionar sus acuerdos de préstamo, haga clic aquí para obtener más información.
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