The best contract lifecycle management alternative to DocuSign CLM

Contractbook helps you to control all of your organization's contract flow in one place.
Create, Collaborate, Sign, Centralize, Track & Connect using a single tool
Contractbook helps you to control all of your organization's contract flow in one place.
Create, Collaborate, Sign, Centralize, Track & Connect using a single tool
Get a contract lifecycle management tool with pricing designed to bring you a positive ROI
Turn static contracts into a database of insights that you can actually use
According to G2 data
Enrich your contracts with data for powerful automations throughout the contract lifecycle
Automatically pre-fill drafts with data from a CRM, form or other tools
Use pre-approved templates to ensure legal compliance
Automatically trigger approvals based on contract data
Negotiate smoothly with suggestions and comments
Maintain transparency with version history
Choose the method that fits your needs
Legally binding for all types of contracts
Identity verification and two-factor signature keeps your sensitive information protected
Organize all contracts in a secure and structured repository
Easily maintain permission settings across your organization
Quickly access the data you need, when you need it
Auto-generate reminders based on contract data
Create customizable tasks for team members post-signature
Sync onboarding, invoicing, renewal, and other data to your teams' tools
Put standardized contracts like NDAs on auto-pilot
Used by many, loved by all
Best-in-class contract management system.
Best-in-class contract management system. I've used Contractbook in several companies of different sizes and industries and it's been my favorite tool to handle e-signature and contracts for years. The user experience is very good.
Likelihood to Recommend
Estimated ROI (payback period in month)
Ease of Doing Business With
Ease of setup
Implementation Time (months to go live)
Product Going in Right Direction?
Based on Spring 2023 G2 data
See how everyone on your team can streamline their contract processes
House all your contracts in one organized location.
Keep everyone on the same page by syncing with your existing tech stack.
Never miss a deadline again by automating post-signature tasks.
Never send out the wrong version of a contract again.
Stop waiting for approval with templates for your most frequently used contracts.
Eliminate non-sales tasks so your team can focus on closing.
Create flawless, consistent employment agreements with easy-to-use templates.
Stay on top of termination dates and re-negotiations.
Connect with your HR software so your data flows seamlessly.
Keep contracts compliant and secure with version control and permissions.
Avoid wasting time reviewing every contract by creating approved templates.
Connect with your ERP software.
Half the work in fixing a problem, is admitting you have one! We're ready to show you why Contractbook could be the perfect way to solve your contract-headaches. No pressure—just solutions that make sense.
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