#1 AI-Powered E-signature & Contract Management Software

Create, Send & Sign Contracts 80% Faster

Eliminate drafting errors, spend less time sending contracts back and forth, and make compliance extremely easy — all in one place.

Unlimited contracts & users
Full AI access
Unlimited support with every plan

Powering the world of contracts, from ground-breaking startups to well-known brands.

Create, collaborate, & sign contracts without switching tools

Without Contractbook

Missed deadlines & renewals
Too many apps slowing you down
Back-and-forth contracts to sign
Lost files, mega files, _finalfinal files
Error-prone manual processes. Unclear contract ownership. Budget-eating automatic renewals. Sound familiar?
Before Contractbook

With Contractbook

0 missed deadlines & renewals*
45 minutes saved per contract*
95% no-touch contracts*
100% data transparency*
Send bulletproof contracts in minutes. Make it easy for the recipient to sign the contract with their preferred signing method.

Quickly get an overview of all contracts. No more time wasted hunting contracts in emails, folders, and sub-folders. Know your contracts inside and out — down to the last detail.
After Contractbook
*Real numbers from real customers

Creating contracts
has never been this easy

Templates & data fields

Build and customize error-free contracts

Seamlessly integrate your existing templates and update them with precise data fields, guaranteeing uniformity across all contracts.

Whether location-specific clauses or employee-specific terms, you can include or exclude clauses based on customizable criteria, ensuring compliance and consistency.

Say goodbye to rogue edits and hello to controlled access. Template owners can assign access to team members (view, edit, manage), retaining complete control over who can modify templates.

Share & collaborate

Collaborate with full transparency

When was the contract redlined? What issues were discussed? Are you the right approver?

Get contracts to the finish line faster with real-time negotiations, automated approval workflows, and up-to-date version history — keeping you all on the same page.

You’ll have a transparent digital footprint of every change and the ability to see who did what. Plus, you can assign data fields to signees or collaborators and lock the rest from unwanted changes.


Sign securely
from anywhere

Sign your contracts directly in the cloud — no need to juggle tools or platforms. Collect signatures from anywhere, on any device, with the convenience and security of Electronic Signatures.

Choose from a variety of easy, secure, and legally binding methods. Specify a signing order and set your mind at ease with notifications along the way.

Worried about last-minute changes? Don’t be. With Contractbook, capturing final details is a breeze with Fill & Sign.


Build workflows to reduce your work

With Contractbook’s no-code automation builder, you can set conditional workflows based on contract data and say goodbye to the back-and-forth with your colleagues.

Get contracts to the finish line in a flash with real-time negotiations, automated approval workflows, triggered Slack messages, and up-to-date version history — keeping everyone on the same page.

It's teamwork at its finest.

Demo walkthrough

See how to create, collaborate on,
and sign contracts without endless paperwork

See how to create, collaborate on,and sign contracts without endless paperwork

Better decisions start
with a complete overview

From 95% no-touch contracts to over 250 hours saved, having a centralized overview is where it all starts.

“I’ve saved 15-20 hours of manual work.”

BIZZKIT logo - customer review

“This saved me 15-20 hours of manual work to extract contract data from ca. 50 of our legacy DPAs. A daunting task that I had been kicking down the road for a long time.”

Dennis Benneballe Arnold-Grade
Compliance Officer @ Bizzkit

“We miss 0% of our

GANNI logo - customer review

“With reminders, we no longer miss out on any deadlines that can have a really big impact on the business.”

Louise Koustrup
Head of Legal @ GANNI

"70-80% data extraction is pretty good to me."

PAVE logo - customer review

"70-80% insight into a vendor agreement is pretty good to me, because usually I have 0%."

Saroi Tharisayi
Head of Legal @ Pave

“A one-stop shop for our contracts.”

ZAPP logo - customer review

“I needed a one-stop shop for our contracts. I now know where everything is and it’s much easier to find them when I need to.”

Jonathan Ufland
Senior Legal Counsel @ Zapp

“It will save a huge amount of time.”

PAVE logo - customer review

“It will save a huge amount of time from copying and pasting and typing these details. And I think this is wonderful.”

Kate Galea
Operations Manager @ Datapraxis

Contract management isn't rocket-science, so why does it feel like it?

Half the work in fixing a problem, is admitting you have one! We're ready to show you why Contractbook could be the perfect way to solve your contract-headaches. No pressure—just solutions that make sense.

Your goals, your demo: Tell us what you need, and we’ll tailor a 1:1 walkthrough just for you.
No fluff, just answers: See exactly how Contractbook simplifies your contracts, saves time, and eliminates costly mistakes.

Fill the form and then choose a time that works for you - Speak to you soon!

G2 Logo
G2 rating: 4.7
Capterra rating for Contractbook

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