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Eports Player Contract (EU)

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This Electronic Sports Player Agreement (“Agreement”) is between [PARTY A TEAM] with its principal offices at [PARTY A TEAM LOCATION] (“[PARTY A TEAM]”) and [PARTY B MEMBER] (“PARTY B MEMBER”) with its principal offices at [PARTY B MEMBER LOCATION] each of which may be referred to individually as a “Party” or collectively as the “Parties”. This Agreement shall be effective as of the last date this Agreement is signed in the signature block below (“Effective Date”).

1. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall automatically terminate [three (3)] months from the Effective Date unless terminated earlier as set forth below. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon giving the other Party [thirty (30)] calendar days written notice of termination.

2. [PARTY A TEAM]’s Obligations. [PARTY A TEAM] agrees to provide support, agreed upon between [PARTY B MEMBER] and officials of [PARTY A TEAM] and any other agreed upon coverages by [PARTY A TEAM]. [PARTY A TEAM] also agrees to also support [PARTY B MEMBER] in any manner possible upon request, if such request is deemed necessary and economically feasible by [PARTY A TEAM]. Requests are able to be freely denied or accepted with little or no reason given at [PARTY A TEAM]’s discretion.

3. [PARTY B MEMBER]’s Obligations. [PARTY B MEMBER] agrees to play for [PARTY A TEAM] as an independent sponsored contractor or player. [PARTY B MEMBER] confirms that they have no other legal binding to any other team or player organization. [PARTY B MEMBER] shall not enter into another contractual relationship with any other team or player organization in the field during the term of this Agreement without asking permission from [PARTY A TEAM] [seven (7)] calendar days in advance.[PARTY B MEMBER] agrees to play matches to the best of their ability when selected to participate in team and individual practice, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.[PARTY B MEMBER] must wear official [PARTY A TEAM] tags at all times during events, competitions and while streaming. [PARTY B MEMBER] agrees to make themselves available to sponsors for promotional work involving the entirety of [PARTY A TEAM] as requested, unless previous notice is given of accepted unavailability by [PARTY B MEMBER] [seven (7)] calendar days in advance. [PARTY B MEMBER] agrees to allow [PARTY A TEAM] to utilize their related personal rights exclusively for the duration of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, personal pictures, team pictures, and team videos, for advertising usage. [PARTY B MEMBER] understands that they represent [PARTY A TEAM], and shall not act with bad manners including, but not limited to, cheating, violence, abuse, racism, and unsportsmanlike conduct.[PARTY B MEMBER] agrees to follow any such code of conduct at a tournament. [PARTY B MEMBER] agrees to not knowingly or willingly violate or let any member of his or her team violate overtime rules or any other competitive leagues rules. If found doing so [PARTY B MEMBER] may have their sponsor or player relationship with.[PARTY A TEAM] permanently terminated and can be held accountable for all fees invested into [PARTY B MEMBER]. [PARTY B MEMBER] agrees to promote and utilize [PARTY A TEAM] sponsors during events, LAN events and live streams.

4. Event Roster. [PARTY A TEAM] has the right to make all event and tournament roster changes. If [PARTY B MEMBER] is unable to perform his or her duties, then [PARTY A TEAM] reserves the right to use a substitute player in place of [PARTY B MEMBER]. If [PARTY B MEMBER] is in breach of a code of conduct, then [PARTY A TEAM] reserves the right to remove [PARTY B MEMBER] from the roster.

5. Event Availability. [PARTY B MEMBER] must attend all meetings, practices, and events designated by [PARTY A TEAM]. If [PARTY B MEMBER] is unable to attend any meetings, practices, or events designed by [PARTY A TEAM], then [PARTY B MEMBER] must notify [PARTY A TEAM] [seven (7)]calendar days in advance.

6. Revenue. [PARTY B MEMBER] shall receive his percentage of revenue derived from small tournaments and large events after [PARTY A TEAM] receives their [twenty percent (20%)] from tournaments and large events that [PARTY A TEAM] sponsored. [PARTY B MEMBER] will be entitled to [one hundred percent (100%)] of revenue derived from their respective personal streams, personal sponsors and personal business ventures on other platforms, including but not limited to social media, websites, and mobile applications. [PARTY B MEMBER] will also be entitled to [one hundred percent (100%)] of revenue derived from third-party sponsors for the exclusive service of promoting and advertising [PARTY B MEMBER]. [PARTY A TEAM] shall receive [one hundred percent (100%)] of revenue derived from promotion and advertising of [PARTY A TEAM] sponsors that are promoting the entirety of [PARTY A TEAM], including all players and team members that are a part of [PARTY A TEAM], unless previously agreed upon in writing. [PARTY B MEMBER] will be eligible for monthly salary of [500 USD each month] agreed upon by [PARTY A TEAM] and [PARTY B MEMBER].

7. Fines and Suspensions. [PARTY B MEMBER] can and shall receive fines and suspensions for violations agreed upon between [PARTY A TEAM] and [PARTY B MEMBER].

8. Null and Void. In the event that [PARTY B MEMBER] goes an extended period of time [one (1) week warning, two (2) weeks termination] without playing tournaments and matches, or stops participating in [PARTY A TEAM] organization entirely, without prior knowledge or advance by an owner or staff from [PARTY A TEAM], this Agreement will be voided by [PARTY A TEAM], thus resulting in [PARTY B MEMBER] being terminated from [PARTY A TEAM]. In the event where there are no agreed upon or active online or LAN tournaments or matches being held, this stipulation will not apply. Any active participation between tournaments that result in promotion of [PARTY A TEAM] brand will be included as participation, and therefore, meet this part of the agreement.

9. Renewal. This Agreement renews for subsequent [three (3)] month time periods unless either [PARTY A TEAM] or [PARTY B MEMBER] gives [thirty (30)] days notice.

10. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [GOVERNING JURISDICTION], excluding its principles of conflicts of law, as applicable.

11. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all prior and collateral communications, reports, and understandings between the Parties with respect thereto. No change, modification, alteration, or addition to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.

12. Waiver. The waiver by either Party of a breach or right under this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach or right.

13. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found unenforceable, it and any related provisions will be interpreted to best accomplish the unenforceable provision’s essential purpose.

14. Captions. The captions used in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and do not constitute a part of this Agreement. They will not be deemed to limit, characterize or in any way affect any provision of this Agreement, and all provisions of this Agreement will be enforced and construed as if no caption had been used.

15. Signature. Original signatures transmitted and received via facsimile or other electronic transmission of a scanned document, (e.g., .pdf or similar format) are true and valid signatures for all purposes hereunder and shall bind the Parties to the same extent as original signatures.

16. Data Processing. To the extent the execution of the present Agreement shall entail processing of personal data within the meaning of applicable data protection laws of personal data within the meaning of applicable data protection laws and especially the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, the Parties may process personal data in the framework of the execution of the present Agreement in their respective capacity as independent controllers (within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation). Each Party shall ensure that any personal data provided to the other Party by, or on its behalf or by, or on behalf of a related data subject has been collected lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner, so as to enable such personal data to be processed by each Party. Where necessary, each Party will provide or procure to provide the other Party with all necessary, each Party will provide or procure to provide the other Party. Where necessary, each party will provide or procure to provide the other Party with all necessary evidence as to the adequate information of data subjects whose personal data will be processed, as may be reasonably requested by each Party.

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Eports Player Contract (EU)

Contract template for esports players for working conditions and duties within the EU. Create, use and store right here on Contractbook.

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What is an esports player contract?

Esports contracts are essential agreements between online sports organizations and players, establishing their partnership's terms and conditions. 

Similar to traditional employment contracts, esports contracts define the working conditions, duties, and any other obligations of the players within the competitive gaming industry. These agreements create a clear framework for the professional relationship, ensuring both parties understand their roles and responsibilities.

Don’t think esports contracts are essential? Just ask N0tail, the professional gamer who has earned over $7 million in his career so far. I bet he’ll tell you how important a solid contract is to his success. 

Esports contracts typically outline essential factors such as:

  • Working hours
  • Salary 
  • The organization’s cut of any tournament winnings 
  • Sponsorship requirements
  • Company guidelines
  • Holiday and sickness details 

Game-focused esports contracts 

In electronic sports, where every click and strategic move can tilt the scales of victory, the rules of engagement are carefully defined through esports contracts. 

These digital battlegrounds are arenas for skillful gameplay and settings where contractual nuances play a pivotal role. Some games may place a cap on player contracts to prevent potential abuse. 

Some game developers advocate for fairness by disallowing non-compete clauses that could restrict players from pursuing opportunities once their contracts end.

According to the Washington Post, “Beyond time-based gimmicks, players and their agents have noted that the default contract used by the overwhelming majority of organizations — which typically contains between 30 and 40 pages of terms — allows players to be traded, even to teams based in foreign countries, without their consent.” 

From hidden trade deals to non-compete clauses, understanding the contract that the esports player signs has never been more important. 

What should be included in an esports contract?

Here’s the information you’ll need to write an esports contract for a single player or a team. 

  • Term and Terminations —  When the agreement starts and ends. How and when should a party give notice of a termination? 
  • Player obligations —  What is required of each party? How does the team support a new member, and what does the new member do in terms of playing for the team? What can the new member not do, like not having another binding agreement with any other team or player organization? 
  • Events —  What meetings, practices, and events must the team members attend, and what happens if the members cannot play? 
  • Revenue —  How much money are both parties entitled to and why? 
  • Fines and suspensions — Identify that the team members are subject to fines and suspensions from the team organizers. 
  • Null and void —  What actions make the contract null and void? 
  • Renewal —  How and when may the agreement be renewed?
  • Standard contract clauses —  Provisions such as what the governing law is, what is determined as the entire agreement, what a waiver is, and when severability can occur. The EU version of our esports contract has a final clause for how either party processes data. Our US version does not require this clause

When should I use an esports contract?

You should use an esports player contract whenever you need to outline the responsibilities of esports players on a team. 

While many individuals will be concerned with playing the game and think that is the most important concept, a team can become stronger when each member’s obligations are clearly outlined. Any team will benefit from using an esports contract to determine what is required of its players and how they are remunerated before they even power on. 

Why every esports player needs a contract

An esports player's benefits from a contract are similar to many other agreements. Firstly, the likelihood of costly legal disputes is significantly reduced as the obligations of every player are explicitly mentioned in their contract. 

They, therefore, know what is expected of them and, as a result, are more likely to meet those obligations. Regarding a team, that is beneficial as all members can gain comfort from the idea that they can depend on their other teammates. Relationships built upon trust and respect — two notions that teams need to have vast amounts of — transpire, and team spirit is greatly improved. The hope would be that better results follow, too.

Keep in mind that contracts don't always have to be on paper. You verbally agree with your employer when you say yes to a job offer. But in the professional esports scene, having everything in writing is the norm and a smart move.

Now, when we're talking about the amateur level, it's different. Contracts, especially the fancy ones with salaries and all the legal stuff, differ from standard practice. And sometimes, a player contract isn't even required to participate in a tournament. But as the level (and prize money) increases, a contract becomes more and more valuable. 

As an esports player, before putting pen to paper, make it a habit to read every contract carefully. If you can, get a legal pro to weigh in and bring in a savvy friend or family member for a second set of eyes. If the contract seems hazy on the payment front or lacks salary specifics, pause before signing on the dotted line.

How to use an esports contract template

When you find yourself in the maze of contract chaos, wondering what an esports contract should entail or how to craft one, that's where our free esports contract template shines. 

Like a trusty sidekick, our templates pack in all the crucial elements by default. Even if you never face courtroom drama, they serve as a beacon, ensuring all parties stay faithful to their duties and obligations.

Leverage the power of templates with heightened efficiency using Contractbook's app and software. Our dynamic data format seamlessly generates esports contracts whenever needed, saving you valuable time. Say goodbye to manual hassles; contract renewals become a breeze, allowing you to channel your time into what you love — playing the game.

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Eports Player Contract (EU)
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Key Terms of
Eports Player Contract (EU)

This contract outlines the terms between an eSports team (PARTY A TEAM) and an individual player (PARTY B MEMBER). It covers the player's obligations to represent and promote the team, revenue sharing from tournaments and sponsorships, grounds for termination, fines/suspensions, contract renewal, and other legal provisions. The initial term is 3 months with potential renewal.

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