This is an unauthorised translation of the Danish standard housing tenancy agreement Typeformular A, 9. udgave (Form A, 9th Edition). In case of inconsistencies between this translation and the Danish original, the Danish text is authoritative.
Standard A, 9th. edition
Tenancy No.: Tenancy No.:
Tenancy agreement for flats, including rental units for mixed purposes and separate rooms in private tenanted properties.
Authorised by the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Affairs, 1 July 2015.
A number of provisions in the Danish Rent Act are fixed while others may be dispensed with by agreement. If any of the parties wish to derogate from the general rules of the Danish Rent Act and/or the tenancy agreement, this must be stated in section 11 of this agreement.
Unless explicitly permitted in the pre-printed text, no agreed derogations must be stated directly in this agreement (by deleting parts of the text, etc.).
Some of the terms in the pre-printed text are highlighted using bold italics. These terms are derogations from the general rules of the Danish Rent Act. If the parties have agreed upon the italicised- conditions of the agreement, these will not need to be specified in section 11. The terms stated in section 11 are adequately highlighted.
Unless otherwise agreed by the parties on matters from which the regulations may be derogated, the rights and obligations of the landlord and the tenant under this tenancy agreement are regulated in the Danish Rent Act in force.
An appendix to this tenancy agreement provides a guide on tenancy agreements for flats, including rental units for mixed purposes and separate rooms in private tenanted properties. The guide is included in the authorised tenancy agreement.
The rental unit is (mark x): [ ] a flat [ ] a single room [ ] an owner-occupied flat [ ] an owner- partnership flat [ ] The tenancy is a subtenancy [ ] other: Fill in
Location: Location City: City
Name: Name
CVR-No/registration. No.: Cvr-No/registration. No.:
Address: Address
Name: Name
Address: Address
The total gross floor area of the unit is of which XX m2, and consists of rooms XXm2 consists of business premises etc.
In addition to the property, under the agreement, the tenant will also have access to and use of the following facilities (please tick as appropriate)
Without the landlord’s prior written consent, the rental unit must not be used for any other purposes than:
The tenancy starts on the XX/XX-20XX and continues until terminated, unless the tenancy is of limited duration, cf, section 11.
Either party must terminate the tenancy by giving written notice. Unless otherwise agreed or specified in section 11 of the agreement, the tenant may terminate the tenancy by giving three months’ prior notice to the first working day of a month not immediately followed by a public holiday. However, the tenancy of separate rooms may be terminated by one month’s prior notice.The landlord may terminate the tenancy in accordance with sections 82 and 83 of the Danish Rent Act.
The annual rent is XXXX DKK
Rent, etc. is due for payment on the of each (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Month [ ] Quarter
The monthly/quarterly rent amounts to: [ ] DKK
Payment on account for heating [XXXX] DKK
Payment on account for water [XXXX] DKK
Payment on account for electricity [XXXX] DKK
Payment on account for cooling [XXXX] DKK
Aerial charges [XXXX] DKK
Internet charges [XXXX] DKK
Contribution to tenant representation [XXXX] DKK
Other charges: [XXXX] DKK
Other charges: [XXXX] DKK
Total [ ] monthly/ [ ] quarterly amount payable: [XXXX] DKK
Taxes and dues:
Included in the rent are taxes and dues as on
This date will provide the basis of any future changes to taxes and dues.
The rent etc. Must be paid to the landlord’s account No. [Reg Nr.] [Account Nr.] (in bank):[Bank name] Payments made to a bank is considered payment at the specified place of payment.
Any specific conditions relating to the rent determination, cf. the instructions, must be specified in section 11 of the tenancy agreement.
No later than the [XX]/[XX]-20[XX], the tenant must pay a deposit of [XX] DKK equivalent to [X] months’ of rent (no more than 3 months’ rent).
No later than the [XX]/[XX]-20[XX] the tenant must pay prepaid rent of [X] DKK equivalent to months’ of rent (no more than 3 months’ rent).
No later than the [XX]/[XX]-20[XX] the tenant must pay a total of: [XXXX] DKK, equivalent to:
Prepaid rent: [XXXX] DKK
Rent, etc. for the period: [XX]/[XX]-20[XX] until [XX]/[XX]-20[XX] [XXXX] DKK
To Deposit [XXXX] DKK
Total [XXXX] DKK
Hereafter, the first payment of the rent is to be made on [XX]/[XX]-20[XX]
Does the landlord provide heating and hot water? (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, the property is heated by:
The annual heating consumption is measured from [XX]/[XX]-20[XX]
Is the tenant responsible for heating the property? (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, the property is heated by:
[ ] electricity gas
[ ] oil/kerosene district
[ ] heating/natural gas
[ ] other: [other]
Does the landlord provide water? (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, the charges are based on individual meters (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Yes [ ] No
The annual water consumption is measured from Date
Does the landlord provide electricity for other purposes than heating? (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Yes [ ] No
The annual electricity consumption is measured from [Date]
Does the landlord provide cooling? (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Yes [ ] No
If yes, the charges are based on individual meters (please tick as appropriate) [ ] Yes [ ] No
The annual cooling consumption is measured from [Date]
The landlord provides connection to a communal aerial to which the tenant must pay a fee (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Yes [ ] No
The aerial association of the tenants provides connection to a communal aerial (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Does the landlord provide access to the Internet (electronic communication services) to which the tenants must pay a contribution (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Is the condition of the property assessed at an initial inspection? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Note: Landlords letting more than one flat are obligated to carry out initial inspections.
Note: If the condition of the property is deficient at the start of the tenancy, the tenant must give written notice of this to the landlord no later than 14 days after the start of the tenancy, or the tenant loses the right to make subsequent claims concerning this deficiency. If the initial inspection is carried out after this deadline and if the tenant has received an inspection report after the deadline, the deadline will still apply. However, this does not apply if the deficiency cannot be discovered with reasonable diligence.
The internal maintenance of the tenancy will be the responsibility of: (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] The landlord [ ] The tenant
If the landlord is responsible for interior repairs, the landlord will have opened a bank account for interior repairs of the property.
At the time of signing the tenancy agreement: the account balance is [XXXX] DKK
After the agreement is signed, this account balance may have changed due to repairs carried out by the landlord.
Note: Landlords letting more than one flat at the time when a tenant vacates a property, are obligated to carry out inspections and complete a move-out report as prescribed by the Danish Rent Act section 98, subsections 3-5. Section
At the start of the tenancy, the following fixtures are the property of the landlord: (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Stove
[ ] Dishwasher
[ ] Cooker hood
[ ] Refrigerator
[ ] Washing machine
[ ] Electric panels, total number:
[ ] Freezer
[ ] Tumble drye
[ ] Water heaters, total number:
[ ] Other: [Other]
[ ] Other: [Other]
[ ] Other: [Other]
Does the property have a tenant association at the time of signing this agreement? (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Are tenants allowed to keep pets in the rental unit? (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Note: If special terms apply to the keeping of pets, these must be stated in section 11 of the agreement.
Do house rules apply to the property? (please tick as appropriate)
[ ] Yes [ ] No
If house rules apply, these must be attached to the agreement.
Additional information regarding the rental unit: [Additional Info]
The terms and conditions already complying with the general rules of the Danish Rent Act must not be stated here. This also includes derogations which must be stated in section 11.
Special Terms
Specials Terms Additional
Here any agreed derogations and additions to the general rules stipulated in the Danish Rent Act and in sections 1-10 of the standard agreement must be stated. Such derogations might impair tenants’ rights or impose greater obligations on tenants than those stipulated in the general rules of the Danish Rent Act.
The terms and conditions already complying with the general rules of the Danish Rent Act or the house rules of the property must not be stated here. Any additional information regarding the tenancy must be stated in section 10 of the agreement.
Special terms may be stipulated in section 11, including any special terms relating to rent determination which must be included in the tenancy agreement, such as special terms as regards return on investments (the Danish Rent Act section 4, subsection 5), price regulations linked to the Net Price Index (the Danish Rent Act section 4, subsection 8), private urban renewal or property improvements (the Danish Rent Act section 4 a), agreed green urban renewal (the Danish Rent Act section 4 b) and free rent determination (the Danish Rent Act section 53, subsections 3-5).
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Edit this template - freeA tenancy agreement is a formal contract between a landlord and a tenant outlining the terms of their residential rental arrangement. It covers all agreed-upon aspects of the tenancy and is provided in writing to the tenant before the rental begins.
For renters, it’s important to thoroughly review the agreement and seek clarification on any unclear terms before signing… no matter how badly you want the place.
While the essential elements you need in your private tenancy agreement will vary based on the country you’re in, here are a few of the more common terms to include when drafting a rental agreement for private residential use:
If your contact details change during the tenancy, you must provide the other party with your new contact information within ten working days. This applies to both landlords and tenants.
Contact details include:
A residential lease agreement (another way to say tenancy agreement) is crucial for landlords and tenants alike, offering legal protection and clarity in rental arrangements.
Without a written agreement, disputes may arise due to differing recollections of vercontractsents.
Yes, you have the freedom to draft your lease agreement without the need for legal assistance.
Whether you’re a tenant or a landlord, our user-friendly template guides you through the process, ensuring your lease works for both parties. You can even use Contractbook to sign and store the agreement, making it easy to stay on top of renewals and changes.
Even if you're renting out just a room in your house, using a private tenancy agreement with your tenant is a good idea. This document outlines their responsibilities and helps clarify expectations for both parties.
Discussing boundaries and expectations is essential since you'll be sharing a living space. This includes topics like when you, as the landlord, can enter their space, any house rules that need to be followed, and other relevant details.
You can also look at our subletting agreement here to determine if that suits your situation better.
A rent-to-own lease agreement, also known as an option to purchase or lease-to-own, allows tenants to buy the rental property from their landlord in the future.
In this arrangement, the tenant pays a non-refundable option fee, and in exchange, the landlord grants them the option to purchase the home at a predetermined price. The landlord retains the option fee if the tenant chooses not to buy the property.
This option can benefit tenants who may not qualify for a traditional mortgage due to factors like poor credit or insufficient funds for a deposit. This might be a clause that you want to add to the template above, noting that is an item up for discussion.
Experience seamless rental agreement signings with Contractbook. Our intuitive platform empowers landlords to effortlessly send contracts to tenants, all with the convenience of e-signatures.
Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and hello to streamlined processes. With Contractbook, all your contracts are neatly stored in one centralized hub, making it a breeze to stay organized and keep track of important dates, information changes, and when each unit is up for a contract. Simplify your rental management experience today with Contractbook.
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